Also it is good to do variable initialization at the time of declaration itself. 另外,最好在进行声明时进行变量初始化。
Normally, C application programs do not need to know how variable argument lists are implemented. 通常,C应用程序不需要知道变量参数列表是如何实现的。
We can, however, do this by prefacing the variable with the& operator, which is used in function definitions to indicate passing by reference. 但是,我们可以通过在变量前放置&运算符来完成此操作,这种方法在函数定义中用于表示按引用传递。
This means that read and write operations that do not modify the value of an atomic variable are synchronized, not just the important read-update-write operations. 这表示,不修改原子变量值的read和write操作是同步的,不仅仅是重要的read-update-write操作。
In the data-driven test all you have to do is look at the searchCriteria variable ( column) in the datapool. 在数据驱动的测试中,您需要做的所有事情就是查看数据池中的searchCriteria变量(列)。
That's all you need to do to change data in a variable once you've converted from a string to JavaScript objects. 在将字符串转换为JavaScript对象之后,就可以像这样修改变量中的数据。
Then whenever you want to perform any maintenance in this table, all you have to do is modify the value of the global variable in this session 之后,如果需要对表执行任何维护,您所需做的就是修改会话中全局变量的值
Also, notice that, in the thread, you do not modify the stocks member variable, as you did previously. 也要注意,在线程中您不能修改stocks成员变量,正如您之前所做的。
If you do not use an existing datapool variable, Functional Test uses the same literal values ( the values that Functional Test captured when you recorded the test script) each time you run the script. 如果您不使用一个已有的数据池变量,FunctionalTest就在您每次运行脚本时,使用相同的文字值(FunctionalTest在您记录测试脚本时捕获的值)。
In a multi-thread application, user-defined threads are not initiated by a servlet thread, thus they do not have FacesContext initialized as a ThreadLocal variable. 在多线程程序中,用户定义的线程并不是由服务线程初始化的,因此它们并没有将FacesContext初始化为一个ThreadLocal变量。
Skip the step Map inputs as you do not have any input variable in the query. 跳过步骤映射输入,因为您在查询语句中没有任何输入变量。
The reason that cron processes can't communicate with ssh-agent is that cron jobs are executed as child processes by cron and thus do not inherit the$ SSH_AUTH_SOCK shell variable. cron进程不能与ssh-agent通信的原因是,cron作业是作为cron的子进程来执行,这样它们就不会继承$SSHAUTHSOCK。
Therefore, if you are100% sure you do not have a JAVA_HOME variable configured, then you can skip this section. 因此,如果您100%确认自己不需要配置JAVAHOME变量,可以跳过本节。
You use the function keyword to denote the start of a function and the var keyword to declare local ( as opposed to global) variables, but you do not include the type of the variable being declared. 您可以使用function关键字开始函数的声明,使用var关键字来声明局部变量(这与全局变量不同),但是不用包括正在声明的变量的类型。
This is my way to do variable amplifier, signal amplification, and hope to help everyone. 这是我做的可变程放大器,放大信号用,希望对大家有帮助。
You can write a procedure in which you do not declare a local variable. 可以编写不声明局部变量的过程。
And then, you'll do a one variable integral over t. 那么你要做一个以t为变量的积分。
You're always allowed to include the package part of the variable's name, and if you do, Perl will know exactly which variable you mean. 允许指定变量名的包部分,假如这样做,perl会明确知道你指的是哪个变量。
You do not have to know the corresponding variable names or even the process; it is all done automatically for you. 你不需要知道它们相应的变量名称,甚至进程,Hawkeye会自动处理它们。
You can do this by setting an environment variable named PYTHONSTARTUP to the name of a file containing your start-up commands. 你可以在一个文件中包含你想要执行的命令,设定一个名为PYTHONSTARTUP的环境变量来指定这个文件。
Another thing that the notation suggests we can do, and they claim we can do, is divide everything by some variable that everybody depends on. 这个记号告诉我们可以做的,要求我们做的,就是用所有这一切都依赖的变量,来除以这个式子。
You do not need to declare a session variable or explicitly add it to the collection. 无需声明会话变量或将会话变量显式添加到集合中。
At the very least, it would only do so if it expects variable interest rates to remain low for some time. 至少,只有在它预计可变利率会在一段时间内保持低水平时,它才会这么做。
The process is responsible for allocating the memory used by a critical section object, which it can do by declaring a variable of type CRITICAL_SECTION. 这个进程负责分配一个临界区对象使用的内存,它可以通过声明类型的CRITICALSECTION的变量使用的内存。
First we do ADF stationary test for each variable, then we find that Fisher effect does not hold by the regression between actual stock return and inflation. 首先我们通过将实际股票收益率对实际通货膨胀率进行回归我们初步得出费雪效应不成立。
Four, the Chinese gold futures market study, do not take market as a state variable study, we compared model and multi state model fitting effect, the latter is more accurate. 四是,以往对中国黄金期货市场的研究中,都没有把市场作为可变状态研究,我们通过对比一般模型和多状态模型的拟合效果,后者更加准确。
In this section, we do something about research hypothesis, data and variable selection. 在这部分中,首先进行研究假设、数据和变量的选取。
Then, It used the factor analysis method to do principal component analysis for the dependent variable and control variables in the process of empirical analysis, the two composite indicators of F and f2 were extracted from it. 接着,在实证分析过程中运用因子分析法对因变量企业绩效和控制变量偿债能力分别做了主成分分析,继而提取了两个综合指标F和f2。
In general, the jet technique at the blade-tip is a promising in the future, which can increase the power of wind turbine greatly, but it still needs to do further investigations to optimize variable parameters. 总之,叶尖喷气技术有增加风力机输出功率的潜力,但是仍需优化参数以进行更深入的研究。
Next, we conducted a correlation analysis of variables which was found among the three models that do not exist independent variable multiple linear problems. 接下来,我们对变量进行了相关性分析,发现三个模型的自变量之间均不存在多重共线性问题。